The ultimate goal of the ITN PREMUROSA project is to train a new generation of scientists with an integrated vision of the whole value chain in musculo-skeletal regeneration technologies and able to boost the necessary innovations to achieve precision principles in developing innovative devices and optimized clinical applications.
Musculo-skeletal diseases are a major burden on individuals, healthcare and welfare systems. Treatment of musculo-skeletal disorders is currently based either on prosthetic or regenerative surgical procedures, often involving medical device implantation. In both cases, individual tissue healing and regeneration, together with the appropriateness of the implanted device, markedly affect the clinical outcome. A great improvement could be achieved by precision medicine, specifically designed on patient’s individual characteristics. This implies to combine the personalized clinical approach with individual ‘omic’ characterization and proper choice of medical device. The concept is “To take care with care”. This is the meaning of the Italian word “premurosa” and the ultimate goal of the ITN PREMUROSA project, aimed to train a new generation of scientists with an integrated vision of the whole value chain in musculo-skeletal regeneration technologies.
Graphical abstract of PREMUROSA scientific objectives